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Asp <> Asp Net

why do you mix ASP and ASP NET , it is SO different that it will be usefull to have two section for it, there is nearlly nothing common between vb script and vb net....

It's a catch-all.
And both are the Microsoft-endorsed server-side technologies.

BTW, you mean ASP != ASP.NET (do it the real programmer's way, with C syntax! :D :p)

Notice that the ASP forum by itself doesn't get too many posts compared to others, and further fragmenting the forums would just make it even more so.

it was just a suggestion,

...I know the two asp 3 and asp net and they have nothing to do together, that it comes from microsoft is the same as puting together messenger and power point

Yes but there's unlikely to be a seperate forum for every different technology. Then we'd have hundreds of forums, just ask jkd he knows every lanuage known to man...:eek:

Originally posted by mouse
just ask jkd he knows every lanuage known to man...:eek:

Heh, I wish. Thanks for thinking that though. :cool:

Originally posted by jkd
BTW, you mean ASP != ASP.NET (do it the real programmer's way, with C syntax! :D :p)

hehehe .... funny - sorry, I had to laugh...

~Quack :D

There isn't a need for two seperate forums, the one ASP forum doesn't get very much use as it is. But hopefully that will pick up soon.

many post in the section asp / asp net have no indication of langage, why, even with only one section, one cannot select which langage is yours

(asp and = (javascript and java)

Originally posted by mouse
just ask jkd he knows every lanuage known to man...:eek:

how's your french :D

what are the differnces between the two. are they radically differn't?

they are not different they are not the same :-))

asp = vb script or javascript

asp net = any POO langage (I use vb net)

and vb net is really <> vb 6

you can say that vb script is for vb net
what is javascript for java ......

Hmm, there are a number of languages you can use in ASP as well, besides JScript and VBScript. You can use ActiveRuby (and the other languages from ActiveState), PERLScript, C, etc.

The real difference lies rather in the framework and how it works.

(Says a person who has used ASP in a total of three cases, neither case being more than a couple of lines.)

one use a script langage the other one POO that's all

in asp you have 6 object (abiut) in ASP NET 4000 object + inheritance

I have been using ASP 2 and 3, and now asp net since 2 years

what is similar is only grammatical >>> 3 letters >>> A.S.P

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